Support Services

For organizations and businesses that have run on legacy systems or on-premises solutions for many years, transitioning to a Microsoft 365 ecosystem can take some adjusting. Even organizations that have spent several years using cloud-solutions may still require some time to fully evolve with its new online environment.  Our Microsoft 365 support services and augmented IT & helpdesk services enable us to provide ongoing monitoring and support to ensure hitch-free transition to and adoption of your Microsoft 365 environment. These services consist of proactively managing, monitoring and assisting to evolve the migrated solution.

We have been working with Microsoft 365 right from the start and our extensive experience allows i3solutions to bring professional Microsoft 365 support services to organizations. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, our team of highly qualified and experienced software developers, project managers, consultants, architects and testers has over 20 years of industry experience on Microsoft projects of all sizes and complexities.

Why Microsoft 365 Support?

With access to Microsoft 365 support services, organizations are able to make the best of their Microsoft technology investment. By leveraging our value added Microsoft 365 support toolkit, our clients benefit from:

Access to expertise: Our dedicated experts can expand the capacity of your team to manage and operate your Microsoft 365 environment. Even if you have a well-trained IT team of your own, having our experienced consultants augment your in-house capacity will improve the performance of your environment and hasten the adoption of the solution.

Ongoing training: We provide ongoing training and support for your systems administrators Microsoft 365 Support and IT personnel, explaining how to use the suite efficiently. We show how to ensure the solution’s security and stable performance as well as overall effectiveness of the online environment.

Cost savings: By leveraging our Microsoft 365 support services, you can realize significant cost savings. You don’t have to invest the additional funds required to hire full-time dedicated professionals, to manage your online environment. You can use our qualified expertise only when you need and pay only for this period.

Increased productivity: Using our support services for daily maintenance of your online environment frees up your in-house team to focus on supporting your core business activities, thereby increasing overall productivity.

Business Continuity: Microsoft 365 support services ensure continued availability of the environment to users without disruption or performance hiccups. This, in turn, enables high efficiency and stability of your business processes that are dependent on Microsoft technology.

Microsoft 365 support services we offer

As part of our support services, we function as your partner in achieving the efficiency and evolution of your solution. We are happy to help our client organizations:

Integrate: We provide our systems integration expertise to boost the capacity of your Microsoft 365 solution and enable integrations with your on-premises, cloud-based or hybrid enterprise solutions. This includes taking advantage of the numerous integrations already existing within Microsoft 365 and building custom APIs from scratch where necessary.

Customize: Our custom application development expertise enhances your deployment with custom functionality. We offer a range of customization options to help tailor your online solution to your specific environment, bearing in mind your enterprise polices and needs.

Extend: Our team acts as an extension of your existing IT department, reducing the costs of overhead and allowing you to increase staff only when you need assistance.

Advise: We provide help desk services to process trouble and improvement requests, as well as provide advice on environment operation and stabilizing the performance of your solution.

Support: Built into our Microsoft 365 support services toolkit is our commitment to provide ongoing end-user support to aid effective transition and implementation.

Adopt: No Microsoft 365 migration can properly take off, much less be successful without satisfactory user adoption. Our support services include advice and assistance to train end-users and enable proficiency with your solution.

What we do for our clients

We have longstanding relationships with our clients and they trust us to provide solutions that are intelligent, integrated and innovative. We are committed to ensuring the solutions we provide are compatible with our clients’ goals.  To achieve this we:

Assist with training users on
collaboration tools

None of our solutions are complete without providing support to boost user literacy. We provide end users and system administrators with the necessary training to effectively use and operate the provided solutions.

Improve search and discovery

We help our clients’ capacity to harness, process and analyze data to uncover valuable insights through Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) based search.

Implement metadata and
categorization of data

Our knowledge and data management skills are provided to clients to enable efficient organization of enterprise knowledge resources to improve the ability to find the right information.

Secure data and documents

We routinely advise on and evaluate the security level of our clients’ Microsoft 365 solution, including analyzing access and authentication mechanisms, verifying antivirus protection and more.

Convert applications to be mobile

We enable our clients’ workforce to access collaboration tools from authorized devices and remote locations.

We also assist our clients with:

Moving documents and content into Cloud and Collaboration spaces Configuring remote access and permissions
Setting up remote collaboration sites Designing Teams sites
Converting forms to be available to off-site workers Creating virtual meeting/conference rooms
Creating forms and workflows to automate processes for the remote workforce Tracking the progress of tasks through workflows
Providing dashboards for better visibility into project and personnel status Assisting with the setup of Chat and Mobile work spaces

Access our Microsoft 365 support services

We can help you make the most of your Microsoft 365 migration through our ongoing support and maintenance services. Never lose another minute of work to business disruption caused by transition or adoption difficulties.

Contact us at and let our Microsoft 365 support team help you maximize your online environment.